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Games Workshop

LOTR - Armies of the Hobbit Rulebook

LOTR - Armies of the Hobbit Rulebook

Regular price £40.00
Regular price £47.00 Sale price £40.00
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From the great Dwarven realm of Erebor, to the depths of the forest of Mirkwood, and the ruined fortress of Dol Guldur, gather your forces and prepare to do battle with your opponent in a test of generalship, strategy, and tactics. This 160-page hardback gaming supplement features over 120 profiles, 15 forces of Good Army lists, and 7 forces of Evil Army lists.


Forces of Good: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.
– 41x Dwarven Holds profiles
– 16x Kingdoms of Men profiles
– 17x Elven Kingdoms profiles
– 8x Free Peoples profiles

Good Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, additional rules, and special rules for the following 15 armies – Thorin's Company, Army of Thrór, Iron Hills, Erebor Reclaimed, Army of Lake-Town, Survivors of Lake-Town, Garrison of Dale, Erebor & Dale, Rivendell, Halls of Thranduil, Rangers of Mirkwood, The Battle of Five Armies, Radagast's Alliance, and The White Council.

Forces of Evil: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.
– 24x Gundabad and Dol Guldur profiles
– 9x Misty Mountains profiles
– 1x Smaug profile

Evil Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, and additional rules for the following 7 armies – Army of Gundabad, Pits of Dol Guldur, Azog's Hunters, Rise of the Necromancer, Goblin-Town, The Three Trolls, and Desolator of the North.

You will need a copy of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual, available separately, to use this gaming supplement.

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